How do I build a Rota to budget?

If you have Budgets enabled, depending on your system setup, you'll either have access to a weekly budget or a daily one. In this guide, we will cover the following:

  • Using Total Cost only
  • Setting a Weekly Budget
  • Setting a Daily Budget

Using Total Cost only

In order to set a budget, you must first tick ‘Show Total Cost’ in ‘Options, Filters & Preferences’. At this point, you are provided with a simple at-a-glance breakdown of your current staffing costs.

  • The ‘Cost’ column on the right of the Rota shows the weekly cost of each employee.
  • The ‘Total Cost’ row at the bottom of the Rota shows the daily cost of all employees.
  • The combined weekly total of all employees is displayed in the bottom right corner.

When adding shifts to the Rota, the costs instantly update.

Setting a Weekly Budget

  1. Tick ‘Show Total Cost’ in ‘Options, Filters & Preferences’.
  2. Tick ‘Show Budget’.
  3. Select the cell in the bottom right corner of the Rota.
  4. Input a weekly budget amount.
  5. Select ‘OK’.

The costs will instantly update as you build your Rota, the Total Cost for the week remaining green if under budget. You will also see a weekly percentage total, indicating how much of your budget is currently being spent. As soon as you go over budget, the Total Costs turn red as a warning.

Setting a Daily Budget

  1. Tick ‘Show Total Cost’ in ‘Options, Filters & Preferences’.
  2. Tick ‘Show Budget’.
  3. Select a cell in the ‘Total Budget Cost’ row under your required day.
  4. Input a daily budget amount.
  5. Select ‘OK’.
  6. Repeat the process for all other required days.

The costs will instantly update as you build your Rota, the Total Cost for each day remaining green if under budget. You will also see a daily percentage total, indicating how much of your budget is currently being spent. As soon as you go over budget, the Total Costs turn red as a warning. The weekly Total Budget Cost is automatically updated when you enter each daily budget cost.

If you don’t input a daily budget cost, the Total Cost will automatically turn red (suggesting an overspend) and ‘No Budget’ will be displayed.

Additional information

You can either work to a weekly budget or a daily budget but you can’t use the two simultaneously.

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