How do I create and share custom Employee Reports?

Employees Reports can be created to contain a variety of information from staff contact details to who the First Aiders are in the workplace. You can even customise reports using your own User Defined Fields.

This guide will walk you through the following:

  • Creating a Report
  • Sharing a Report

Creating a Report

Example A 

You want to create a report that shows the contact details of all the employees who are members of the Distribution Group.

  1. Select ‘Reports’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select ‘Employees’ from the Reports Tree.
  3. In ‘Filters’, select the ‘Distribution’ Group.
  1. Select the ‘Columns’ tab.
  2. Scroll down the list and tick ‘Home Phone’ and ‘Mobile Phone’.*

* In our example, we have unticked ‘Group - Image’, ‘Group’ and ‘Payroll Number’. These are always ticked by default but are not required here. 

The columns appear in the order that you select them. You can re-order the columns though to meet your requirements.

  1. Select ‘Home Phone’ under Column Order.
  2. Select the ‘Shift Row Down’ arrow. In the Report, this will now show the Mobile Phone number before the Home Phone number.
  1. If you wish to run the Report, select the ‘Report’ tab.
  1. After running the Report, you can choose to download it, as a PDF for example, by selecting ‘Export’ in the top right-hand corner of the Report screen and choosing the required method of export.

Example B

You want to create a report that shows a list of company First Aiders, which department they work in and mobile phone numbers.

Select the ‘First Aiders’ Group and follow the same steps as before.

Only four columns are needed - First Name, Last Name, Mobile Phone and Primary Group.

Example C 

You want to create a report using your own User Defined Fields, showing which employees have been allocated company equipment.

The only standard columns selected are First Name, Last Name and Job Title. All the other columns are self-created User Defined Fields.

Sharing a Report

This is simply done by saving the Report as a template and making it available to other Users.

  1. Select the ‘Templates’ tab.
  2. Select ‘Save Options’.
  1. Name the template (eg. ‘Distribution - Contact List’).
  2. Tick ‘Make available to all Users’.
  3. Select ‘OK’.

Any User who has access to Employees Reports will now be able to load and run this report by selecting Templates>Load Options>’Distribution - Contact List’.

Additional information

Primary group only

Employees will only appear in the report if the Group(s) selected include that employee's Primary Group.

By Group

Lists employees by Group - useful if reporting on multiple Groups.

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