As well as being a useful way of keeping track of an employee’s career progression, Skills are also used to declare a single requirement for a certain shift within the Rota (eg. you need a First Aider on the late shift). However, when the requirements are more complex, then you need to use a Skill Set instead (eg. you require a Fire Marshall who is also a Keyholder). Skill Sets are simply combinations of two or more Skills.
This guide will look at:
* If you choose an icon, then your Skill Set does not need a colour. A Skill Set with no icon will show as a circle containing two letters (eg. Shift Supervisor will show as SS). The circle will be the colour that you selected. Otherwise, it will remain white.
You can add or remove Skills from a Skill Set or delete it entirely at any stage. None of these actions will have any effect on the individual Skills themselves (ie. removing First Aid from a Skill Set will not remove First Aid from the Skills menu).
However, you will be prevented from making changes to or deleting a Skill Set if it affects current Skill requirements within the Rota.
Important - you must always have a minimum of two Skills in a Skill Set. If you delete one of two Skills, you will be prompted to add another before saving.
Unlike Skills, you don’t assign Skill Sets to employees. If an employee possesses all the Skills that make up a Skill Set, then that Skill Set will automatically show underneath their name in the Rota (assuming ‘Show Skills’ is turned on).
Skills are used to declare a single requirement for a certain shift within the Rota.
Assign Skills to Employees to track their progress and help your rota builders ensure they have the right people in place.
Set Skill requirements for shifts on the Rota to make sure you have the right people for the job.