How do I see an employee’s holiday balance?

There are several places in Focus where you can see an employee’s holiday balance, each giving varying degrees of detail. Before viewing this information, it may be useful to understand how holiday balances are calculated.

This guide will look at:

  • Understanding holiday balances
  • Where to see an employee’s holiday balance

Understanding holiday balances

- Allowance*: the amount of annual leave that the employee has been set at the start of their holiday year.

- Brought Forward: any days / hours that an employee has been allowed to carry over from the previous leave year.

- Adjust: any manual adjustments made to the employee’s Allowance (eg. extra holiday added as a result of a promotion).

- Taken: the number of annual leave days / hours that the employee has actually taken off to date.

- Booked: the number of annual leave days / hours that the employee has booked in the future, so yet to be taken.

- End Balance: the remaining number of annual leave days / hours that are still available to the employee after all other additions and subtractions have been made to the Allowance.

* The Allowance does not include the days / hours from Brought Forward or Adjust. Instead, the combination of these three is referred to as the Total Allowance, a total that only exists behind the scenes in Focus.

Allowance + Brought Forward + Adjust = Total Allowance 

Total Allowance - Taken - Booked = End Balance

Where to see an employee’s holiday balance

Employee’s Calendar

This full breakdown sits at the bottom-right of the Calendar.

Holidays Report

This is a great way of viewing a full breakdown of holiday balances for multiple employees.

Employee’s Dashboard

This shows a snapshot of Personal leave only. Remember, the Allowance is not the Total Allowance. Brought Forward and Adjust (neither visible here), only affect the Balance, not the Allowance.

Availability Screen

In ‘Options’, tick ‘Show Holiday’.

This shows End Balances of both Personal (Hol) and Public (Pub) leave only.

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