How do I approve or decline someone's holiday request?

This guide will explain how to view, check and then action an Absence Request from a team member. There are four ways in which you can do this:

  • Via the Availability Screen (recommended method)
  • Via the Calendar
  • Via the Dashboard
  • Via Exceptions

Via the Availability screen

Viewing Absence Requests

  1. Select 'Availability' from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select the required Group and month at the top of the page.
  3. Absence Requests are highlighted by diagonal stripes rather than block colours (if 'Show Schedule' is unticked in 'Options').

By using this method, you can make an informed decision based on the entire team’s availability to cover for the absence.

Action Absence Requests

  1. Select the Absence Request.
  2. Select ‘Grant/Refuse’.
  3. Add a ‘Comment’ if necessary, to explain your decision to the employee.
  4. Select ‘Grant’ or ‘Refuse’.
  5. Select ‘OK’ when prompted and then ‘Close’.

Via the Calendar

Viewing Absence Requests

  1. Select 'Calendar' in the Menu Bar.
  2. Select the required employee that you require from the list.
  3. A list of Pending Requested Absences can be seen, as well as them sitting in the Calendar itself.

By using this method, you can make an informed decision based on the employee’s holiday allowance and remaining balance.

Action Absence Requests

  1. Select the Absence Request.
  2. Select ‘Grant/Refuse’.
  3. Add a ‘Comment’ if necessary, to explain your decision to the employee.
  4. Select ‘Grant’ or ‘Refuse’.
  5. Select ‘OK’ when prompted and then ‘Close’.

Via the Dashboard

Viewing Absence Requests

  1. Select ‘Home’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Set 'Groups' to the one you require.
  3. Selecting the 'Absence Requests' chart will put it into 'My Workspace' and show you a list of all requests.

Action Absence Requests

  1. Select the required Absence Request from the list.
  2. Select ‘Action’.
  3. Add a ‘Comment’ if necessary, to explain your decision to the employee.
  4. Select ‘Grant’ or ‘Refuse’. The request will now disappear from the list.

Via Exceptions

Viewing Absence Requests

  1. Select 'Exceptions' from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select 'Absence Request' from the Exceptions Tree.
  3. Select the Group that you require from the list.
  4. A list of Absence Requests can now be seen.

Action Absence Requests

  1. Right-click on the required Absence Request.
  2. Select ‘Grant/Refuse’.
  3. Add a ‘Comment’ if necessary, to explain your decision to the employee.
  4. Select ‘Grant’ or ‘Refuse’. The request will now disappear from the list.

Additional information

Regardless of the method used, the employee’s Calendar and Availability will be updated accordingly.

You should choose the method that works best for your needs, balancing the quickest methods (Home/Exceptions) with the most thorough (Availability/Calendar).

In case your company has a first-come-first-served approach to granting Requested Absences, you can see the exact date and time the request was made when viewing the employee’s Calendar or the Availability screen.

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