How do I check on Working Time Directive compliance?

Checking compliance is achieved by running a Working Time Regulations report. This guide will look at:

  • What the Working Time Regulations Report does
  • Viewing the Report
  • Saving the Report as a template

What the Working Time Regulations Report does

The Working Time Regulations Report looks at all the time a Group of employees has worked over a certain period, to ensure it meets your legal obligations.

The ‘typical’ period of interest for the Working Time Regulations is 17 weeks - that is, in most cases, employees who have not opted out must not work more than 48 hours per week, averaged out over 17 weeks.

However, because there are different rules for different industries and different ages of employees, Focus allows you to define your own date ranges for the report. This guide will assume you are setting up a ‘standard’ 17 week report.

Viewing the Report

  1. Select ‘Reports’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select ‘ Working Time Regulations’ from the Reports Tree.
  3. In the ‘Date’ box, choose last ‘n’ weeks, and then type 17 in the box.
  4. Choose which Groups you wish to see.
  5. Tick ‘Primary Group Only’ if you don’t want to see duplicate employees in the Report, as they may be members of more than one Group.
  6. Select which day your working week starts on.
  7. Ticking ‘By Group’ will order employees by their Groups (it will also show the Group name next to the employee).
  8. You can change the order of your view by clicking on any of the preview table headings (ie. Payroll Number, Weekly Average).
  1. Select ‘Report’ to view the actual report.
  2. Select ‘Export’ and choose your preferred method (eg. PDF). You can now print or download your report.

Saving the Report as a template

You may wish to save it as a template in order to use the settings again for a future report, or to simply keep it for reference.

  1. Select ‘Templates’.
  2. Select ‘Save Options’.
  3. Give the template a name.
  4. Tick ‘Make available to all Users’ if others are allowed to have access.
  5. Select ‘OK’.

Whenever you select ‘Templates’, it will now appear in the ‘Load Options’ list. 

It can also be deleted at any time by selecting ‘Templates’ and ‘Delete Options’.

Additional information

‘Employees Summary’ is always the default view. If you wish, you can change this to ‘Group Summary’ (giving an overall Group total) or ‘Detail’ (giving a detailed breakdown of employees’ day-by-day working hours).

You can change how your report looks using the various ‘Options’.

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