How do I create a Restricted Administrator?

What is a Restricted Administrator?

A Restricted Administrator is different from other Users because they have the ability to create more Users. This is something they can do with a subset of their own permissions.

Beyond that important distinction, there is no real difference between a Restricted Administrator and a normal User. Restricted Administrators can have as many or as few User Rights as you wish. 

There are two ways to create a Restricted Administrator. This guide will look at creating a completely new profile from scratch as well as duplicating an existing profile.

Creating a new Restricted Administrator profile

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select ‘Users’ from the System Tree.
  3. Select ‘Create New’.
  4. Complete the required information in the ‘Personal’ section.
  5. Untick ‘Administrator’ and tick ‘Restricted Administrator’.
  6. Select the ‘General’ tab and untick the items where you wish to restrict access to. Unticking an item in ‘View’ will automatically untick the related item in ‘Edit’, but not vice versa.
  7. Repeat the restriction/permissions process for ‘Objects’, ‘Workflow’ and ‘Timesheet’.
  8. Save.

Link to Employee: In the 'General' tab, by selecting ‘Add Link’ and inputting the Restricted Administrator’s Payroll Number, you can restrict whether or not they can edit their own Timesheet.

Duplicating an existing Restricted Administrator profile

This method is used to replicate an existing profile. It can also be used when only a few minor adjustments need to be made to an existing profile in order to create a new one (saving time rather than creating an entirely new profile).

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select ‘Users’ from the System Tree.
  3. Select an existing Restricted Administrator from the list of User Names.
  4. Select ‘Duplicate’ at the top of the screen (double page icon).
  5. Complete the required information in the ‘Personal’ section.
  6. Make any necessary adjustments to the items in ‘General’, ‘Objects’, ‘Workflow’ and ‘Timesheet’.
  7. Save.

Additional information

Make sure that you have made all the necessary restrictions before sharing the login details with your newly-created Restricted Administrator.

You can go back into their profile at any time and make changes. However, changes may not be applied until the Restricted Administrator logs out and back in again.

When the Restricted Administrator logs in, depending on what permissions / restrictions are in place, their view of Focus may be totally different to your own. For example, if you have restricted their access to all reports, then they will not be able to see the Reports icon in the Menu Bar.

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