How do I create Fire Alarm Roll Calls?

A Fire Alarm Roll Call is basically a register, designed to assist users in accounting for employees during fire evacuation procedures. Depending on the size and needs of your organisation, you may choose to have a single Roll Call or several.

This guide will show you how to create a Roll Call for one specific Use Case. We will look at:

  • Creating a new Roll Call
  • Applying filters to the Roll Call

Use Case

A company has three sites in the UK. At their head office site, there are three separate buildings - an administration block, a production facility and a distribution centre, all with their own clocking terminals and Muster Points. A Roll Call, to be run at Muster Point B, is required for employees who are clocked in at the distribution centre and who belong to Fire Group 2.

Creating a new Roll Call

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select the ‘Roll Call Setup’ folder from the System Tree (this is not to be confused with ‘Roll Call’ found in the ‘System’ folder).
  3. Select ‘Create New’.
  4. Give your Roll Call a name (eg. Distribution: Muster B). This should be instantly recognisable and distinguishable from any other Roll Calls.
  5. Select the ‘Users’ who are allowed to run this Roll Call.

Applying filters to the Roll Call

The rest of the setup is done in the Setup tab. It is a series of top-down filters where you decide which employees should be included in the Roll Call.

Initial Values

The first thing to choose is which Location(s), and which Clock(s), the Roll Call will capture data from. Everything that follows is a further filter of this information. Without this information filled in, no employees will appear on any Roll Call, even if criteria further along are met. 

Clock Locations: only include employees who have clocked in at the Head Office site.

Clocks: only include employees who have clocked in at the Distribution 1 clocking terminal. The clocks that are selectable in this example are all located at Head Office. Had you selected a different clock location, alternative clocks would be visible instead.

Further Filters

Cost Centres: you can filter by which Cost Centre employees are clocked in against, but for our Use Case it’s not important. In our example, make sure ‘All’ is selected. Please note, having nothing selected would result in the Roll Call being empty.

Fire Groups: only include employees who belong to Fire Group 2. Fire Groups are a separate setting found in the Groups tab of the Employee Form.


This will create a Fire Alarm Roll Call that, when run, will generate a single list of employees who meet every one of the following criteria:

  • Currently clocked in at Head Office
  • Clocked into ‘Distribution 1’ clock
  • Clocked into any Cost Centre (this includes No Cost Centre)
  • Are a member of Fire Group 2

If any of these criteria are not met, the employee will not show on the Roll Call. 

The ‘Distribution: Muster B Roll Call’ is now complete and can be run by any of the selected users whenever there is an evacuation.

Additional information

The filters you choose, when creating your own Roll Calls, will depend on how your organisation is structured, how your Focus is set up and what your own fire evacuation procedures and policies are.

Note on Self Service

If you wish to include Self Service clockings in your Fire Alarm Roll Calls, select ‘All’ for both Locations and Clocks. This will automatically include Self Service clockings. 

If you want to have more control over how your Self Service team members are included in Roll calls, you can create a ‘Connection’ called ‘Self Service Clockings’, for example, and give it a Connection ID of 256. This will allow you to create a Roll Call that just collects this information. 

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How do I run a Fire Alarm Roll Call?

Quickly mark attendance and highlight any missing employees fast in the event of a fire alarm or drill.

How do I manage a Fire Alarm Roll Call?

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Skill Level
