How do I run a Fire Alarm Roll Call?

The Fire Alarm Roll Call is, in effect, an on-the-spot register, where those tasked with running them confirm who is present and who is missing. The Roll Call(s) that you have permission to run will have been set up by your System Administrator.

This guide will walk you through:

  • Where to find the Roll Call
  • How to select a Roll Call
  • How to run the Roll Call
  • How to finish the Roll Call

Where to find the Roll Call

We will assume, for the sake of this guide, that the Roll Call will be carried out on a mobile phone or other handheld device.

The quickest method is to set up a shortcut on your Home Screen that will take you directly to the Roll Call once you have logged in.

Android (Chrome - other browsers may vary)

  1. Navigate to the Roll Call in Focus (System>Roll Call).
  2. Tap the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner of the screen).
  3. Tap ‘Add to Home Screen’.
  4. Choose a name for the shortcut before tapping ‘Add’.

iOS (Safari)

  1. Navigate to the Roll Call in Focus (System>Roll Call).
  2. Tap the Share icon (square with an arrow at the bottom of the screen).
  3. Tap ‘Add to Home Screen’.
  4. Choose a name for the shortcut before tapping ‘Add’.

How to select a Roll Call

  1. By selecting the Roll Call label at the top of the page, you can choose which Roll Call to run from the menu that appears (assuming you have permission to run more than one).
  2. Select the required ‘Location’ and ‘Roll Call’.
  3. Selecting the Roll Call label again will make the menu disappear.

The employees will appear in list form and the background behind their names will be red.

How to run the Roll Call

  1. Start to go down the list. If you can see the employee stood in front of you at the Muster Point, select the tick-box next to their name. A tick will appear and the background behind their name will change to green (present).
    At this point, your Roll Call is deemed to be running. It will now show on the Roll Call Monitor and will send real-time updates.
  2. Continue until you have gone through the entire list. Any employees who are not accounted for (unknown) will remain in red.
  3. If an unknown employee arrives after you have gone through the list, simply scroll back to their name and mark them as present.

If you make a mistake, simply select the tick-box again, which will change the employee’s status from present to unknown or vice versa.

How to finish the Roll Call

You do not need to do anything at this point. The person who is running the Roll Call Monitor will decide when your Roll Call is finished. Only then should you close your Roll Call window.

If you close the window, Focus will class the Roll Call as being finished. Opening the window again will have the result of creating a new Roll Call and all employee names will have a red background once more.

Additional information

You will have your own procedures for ensuring unknown team members are safely accounted for. The Roll Call Monitor can help with this.

Related Articles

How do I manage a Fire Alarm Roll Call?

Use the Roll Call Monitor to collate the information of every individual Roll Call you have running.

How do I create Fire Alarm Roll Calls?

Create interactive checklists for your Fire Officers to use as Roll Calls in the event of an evacuation.

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