How do I make an Absence Request?

In order to make a request you will need to log in to Focus Self Service, either via a web browser on a desktop computer / laptop or via the App on your phone / handheld device (your System Administrator should have set this up for you and provided you with a PIN and Password).

This guide will look at the following:

  • Making a request via the App
  • Making a request via a web browser

Making a request via the App

  1. Select ‘Holiday’.
  2. Select ‘New Holiday Request.
  3. Enter a ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’ for your request period - a single day request should have the same Start and End Date.
  4. Select the appropriate ‘Reason’ from the list.
  5. Add a comment, if necessary, in support of your request.
  6. Select ‘Submit Request’.

The request will now show as ‘Pending’ until it is actioned by your line manager.

If you wish to cancel your request at any point, simply select the absence and press ‘Cancel Request’.

Making a request via a web browser

Depending on your permissions, you may not be able to do everything in this section. 

Single day requests

  1. Select the required day on the Calendar.
  2. Select the appropriate ‘Reason’ from the list.
  3. Add a comment, if necessary, in support of your request.
  4. Save.

The request will now show as ‘Pending’ until it is actioned by your line manager.

You can view the details of your request by hovering over the date. You can also delete your request at any time by selecting the date and ‘Delete Selected Request’.

Consecutive day requests

  1. In ‘Options’, ensure that ‘Select Scheduled Days Only’ is ticked (this option is dependent on your permissions). By doing so, you are prevented from booking requests on days when you are not working.
  2. Select the first day of your request and, holding down the left-click, drag the mouse across until your entire selection is highlighted.
  3. Complete the necessary information, as requested, before saving.

Additional information

You can also make Absence Requests via the Availability screen, in a similar way to the Calendar (assuming you have permission to access it).

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